Screenwriting is not a spectator sport! It requires active participation because if you don't promote yourself, who will? One of the most common questions I hear is, "how do I get my screenplay read?"
It's really a straightforward proposition- put yourself out there. There is no magic pill. Hard, old-fashioned legwork in the form of networking your primary tool, especially when you're early in your screenwriting career.
As an emerging screenwriter. self-promotion is an elusive but critical component, especially if you don't currently have industry contacts. So how do you get those connections? Well, the first step is to acknowledge that it's not easy. In fact, you'll work harder at building relationships than you will writing. But therein lies the secret because if it weren't difficult, it probably wouldn't be worth the effort.
So, how do you build those relationships, especially if you're not living in Hollywood or New York? Start with your social media. The more sites, the better- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on. Of course, your workload increases exponentially the more sites your on, because you have to be active. Consistency is key. Once you commit, you'll need to set aside time daily. Treat is just like its a job, because well, it is!
Seek those working in the industry and reach out. Don't "pitch" them. They don't care that you're a screenwriter- at least not yet. If you rush the process, and try to pitch early, you'll likely be blocked- or worse. Just connect, person to person. Allow yourself time, as this is a slow but steady process. Over time, your network will grow, and eventually, once you are in regular communication, you'll be able to share your work (as in MUCH LATER DOWN THE LINE!).
LinkedIn might be a great starting place because you can focus on specific industries. LinkedIn is a PROFESSIONAL social media, so completing your profile thoroughly, including pictures, headers, resume, the works. I can almost guarantee that people on LinkedIn will look at your profile to ensure they don't waste their time, so having a quality profile is utterly crucial. It can make, or destroy, your career! Remember that building relationships, especially online, is as much an art as writing.
- DON'T start by saying you're a screenwriter looking to sell a screenplay
- DON'T pitch your contacts as your first communication
- DON'T brag about yourself
- DO join industry groups and participate
- DO thank everyone who accepts your connection request
- DO make your comments personal (use their names)
Duplicate your efforts on other social platforms, but keep in mind that they become less and less targeted as you go down the list. LinkedIn is the smallest but the most highly targetable. Focus on Facebook and Instagram next, followed by Twitter, and then the others. They should all be part of your marketing strategy and each can be helpful in unique ways. The first step to succeeding as a screenwriter is to master social media.
This process will take time. Six months to a year is not unrealistic. But, once you've built a network and started interacting regularly, you can begin to focus on specific people to grow your relationships. It's there that the magic can happen. People want to help those they have an affinity toward, so make friends. It may take time and effort, but the payoff is worthwhile. There is no shortcut or easy way to build your network. But if you're consistent and persistent, your odds of making meaningful connections will increase manifold!