The entry deadline for season 7 of the Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Awards is only 5 days away. As you all know, I'm not a huge proponent of screenplay contests, but many of our members do have an interest. So, if you're so inclined, here's the link for the soon-to-close Horror screenplay contest.
Here is the information from their website:
"The Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Awards were created to locate and expose up-and-coming horror/thriller screenwriters, as well as to empower and promote those talented writers still waiting for their invitation to the mainstream industry.
Competition is open to feature-length and short works, screenplays and teleplays. All types of horror and thriller projects are eligible. All Finalists and Winners will be announced by 2/15/23. Laurels will be awarded to Quarterfinalists, Semifinalists, 10 Finalists and 1 Overall Winner. See below for prize information."
Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Contest